It was a stormy and very cold night when me and Petey got knocked off course as we were sailing through the water in the way the ice ship. The ice ship is a gigantic floating iceberg which plows over and crushes anything in its path, including your friends Petey and Mr. Pirate. The wind was blowing very strong and causing our ship to rock and float of course. We tried to control the ship as best we could, yet to no avail. We just kept getting closer and closer to the ice ship. I could see our path was heading directly in front of the ice ship, when I heard a large foghorn honking at us! I had heard a story of an Australian Sheppard named Nan Nook who was said to help pirates in distress. I thought it was nothing more than a story, however I wondered could there be some truth to this story. I sure hope so, because me and Petey really could use some help. I again heard a loud foghorn and then I heard a loud bark and a voice say “I am Nan Nook the fearless and I am here to help you!” When I heard this, I was overcome with a feeling of complete and utter relief for I knew all was going to be okay. It seemed as if Nan Nook has a vessel of his own. It was a tow barge with a tow hook. Nan Nook swung over the hook, but it got caught on the ice ship! A feeling of great fear took over me and Petey and we thought all was lost. Just then out fear grew to its peak, my best friend Nan Nook the fearless dashed from the deck of his vessel, jumped out grabbed the cable and pulled it to release the hook from the ice ship. As the hook broke loose from the ice, the cable started to pull me, Petey and the ship to safety. Our path to safety was accomplished by our hero Nan Nook the Fearless. It made me realize that Nan Nook is a true hero for with no concern for himself and his safety he saved mine and Petey’s lives. When we were pulled completely out of the way of the ice ship, Nan Nook unhooked the tow and released our vessel from his. He came over onto our ship and we were able to thank him for saving us and the ship. He told me his real home was among the Eskimos and he was saved by them as a puppy. They were the ones who gave him his name Nan Nook of the North. The name Nan Nook means polar bear in Eskimo. He also told me that his official title is Captain Nook (similar to Captain Hook) yet he is called Nan Nook by all his friends. I told him that me and Petey wanted to be his friends from this night on and would appreciate it if he thought us as such. Now this is the way me and Petey met Nan Nook the fearless and became best friends with him. As we said goodbye to him, we could not help but feel we were blessed by our encounter with Captain Nook for we made a very special friend and the Pirate waters would be much safer and less lonely knowing there is a fearless sea dog named Nan Nook watching our back when all seems hopeless and helpless.